
Ahad, 16 September 2012

Labu Heirloom Jarrahdale (Cucurbita maxima)

 Labu 'Jarrahdale' ini dikatakan native kepada negara Australia. Anggaran berat labu ini adalah dalam linkungan 5kilogram dan boleh disimpan dengan lama sekiranya diletakkan di tempat yang baik seperti yang nyaman dan kering. Pokok labu 'Jarrahdale adalah jenis yang menjalar, jadi jarak antara pokok perlu sekurang-kurangnya lebih 1 meter. Kulit buah ini berwarna biru/hijau ke kelabu-an seperti gambar di atas. Isi buahnya berwarna orange dan manis. Sesuai untuk dimasak ala-ala roasting. Sebelum menanam labu ini, sediakan tanah yang kaya dengan compost ataupun manure (tahi binatang yang sudah reput). Biji benih labu ini adalah sangat besar berbanding dengan labu 'Small Sugar' ataupun 'Jack Be Little'. Perlukan cahaya matahari untuk pertumbuhan pokok dan buah yang baik.

~Pre-Order Biji Benih Labu Heirloom Jarrahdale~
Boleh pre-order (reserve) dahulu kerana pertengahan Oktober 2012 baru dipos ke miliknya.

Stok Habis.
RM3.00-satu pek (5biji benih).

Kos penghantaran bagi pembelian apa jenis benih yang berharga RM3.00 satu pek dengan jumlah bilangan kurang 15pek adalah RM5.00.
Kos penghantaran bagi jumlah pembelian lebih dari 15pek untuk apa sahaja jenis benih satu pek berharga RM3.00 adalah percuma.
Sekiranya, ada pembelian yang berlainan harga, saya akan cuba kurangkan kos penghantaran.
Benih akan dipos di bulan Oktober dan boleh pre-order dengan tinggalkan comment atau mesej saya dengan email.
Pembayaran melalui bank RHB atau CIMB.
Sebarang kemusykilan, jangan segan bertanya (kebunkmg@gmail.com).

13 ulasan:

  1. Salam tukang kebun, benih yang diorder tuh benih local or made in australia, fr which of yr kebun? maaf lah yer tny soalan nie...actually interested but not sure samada possible or not..cause it might not be easy for me & yr side too..tul tak? btw congratulations yr new born..

  2. Salam Ummuaidan, can be rather confusing at the moment since we have 2 kebun at the moment as you know one in Adelaide and one in Sungai Buloh. Some of the seeds are grown locally from Sungai Buloh and some in Adelaide. The vision is to get a start producing almost 100% heirloom seeds by mid next year locally to make it available for local gardener who like me will like to grow their own food which has not been genetically modified, hybrid or pure breed seeds (heritage). I remembered how frustrating it was to get seeds back in Malaysia a few years ago. Most are imported from oversea especially Taiwan which is hybrid or unnamed variety where you only get the label of the plants name but not a specific variety....hehehe I can be a very detail person so I am fussy about certain things. Malaysia still imported many of their seeds like other countries such as United Kingdom still import seeds. As you might be aware that Australia has tight regulations regarding seeds imported from oversea has to grow through so many checking and many are prohibited. So Australia own seeds company produce their seeds 100%locally. It is also amazing that the seeds available are adapt and tolerant of the many kind of climate here from tropical to Mediteranean climate. I guess I feel inspired to follow suit and save my own seeds regardless where we garden. By the way, we will be saying farewell to Adelaide Kebun soon and we will be only focusing on with Sungai Buloh kebun :). Ohhh..tak sabar nak balik. Pening kepala juga nak manage 2 kebun at this moment. Oh yang seed pumpkin posting ni dari Adelaide.

  3. :-) 2 for me please. Ni adik-beradik pattypan squash ke? I *heart* heirloom seeds.

  4. wow..i can imagine..by reading yr profile and postings i know that u r the real tukang kebun...heheh...
    that's true - not easy to get seeds in malaysia, kalau ada pun yg packed but not even 70% guarantee good,i only know about YATES ..kalau yg fresh tuh inshaallah would grow..but the distributors would sell the old seeds in order to finish their stocks..if we r not aware, we would just buy it, at the end just wasting money..and those from canada or US also not bad and would last quite long fr my experience...

  5. Sorry Diana sb nak mencelah disini. I think your buyers should not be worried about Jarradale seeds produced in Australia not growing here as I did once buy Yates Jarradale seeds from Australia and the seeds will grow here and boy do they take over everything. Like over the ground, up the fence and all over. Kot kot kalau rajin petik pucuknya buat sayur it will not be so profilic.

  6. Mama Pongkey~ Pattypan squash sub 'pepo' yang ni sub 'maxima'.

    Ummuaidan~I am just doing this for fun, I am more a gardener at heart :). I hope that other gardeners will save seeds as well especially heirloom or kampung ones. It is enjoyable to watch what other people garden and learn from their experience. Sharing the same enjoyment of growing your own food. Seeds can be kept long if it is store properly.

    Sean L~Yeah its really hard to tame Jarradale pumpkin plant, they just take over everything. Pernah juga cuba dulu pucuknya, a bit strong compare to pucuk timun.

  7. Oh I see. Sebelum ni kenal pattypan squash pun dari game Farmville hahaha. Masa tu tak berkebun lagi, jadi seronok grow grapes sejam aje boleh harvest.

    I wonder if these squashes need a lot of water too? Macam carrots?

    I agree about those packaged seeds at stores here. They NEVER EVER give out any info on the breed, and most of the time, we are not even told whether they are hybrids or F1s. I wish we can get Yates seeds here.

  8. Mama Pongkey~ Dulu ada main farmville juga tapi dah abaikan kebun farmville lebih setahun...hehehe...sebab kebun sendiri pun tak cukup tangan dah :P. Squash water requirement not as much as carrot needs. Moderate je. Jangan kering tanah sudah.
    Seeds from Taiwan are mostly harvested in greenhouse so not really open-pollinated and hardy kut sebab dalam environment yang terkawal. Yup tak sure whether it is hybrid or not but I suspect many are actually hybrid

  9. Mama Pongkey~ Dulu ada main farmville juga tapi dah abaikan kebun farmville lebih setahun...hehehe...sebab kebun sendiri pun tak cukup tangan dah :P. Squash water requirement not as much as carrot needs. Moderate je. Jangan kering tanah sudah.
    Seeds from Taiwan are mostly harvested in greenhouse so not really open-pollinated and hardy kut sebab dalam environment yang terkawal. Yup tak sure whether it is hybrid or not but I suspect many are actually hybrid
